Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day
We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving day. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. We will be thinking of all of you tomorrow as we reflect on everything we have to be thankful for. Enjoy the day and know we are thinking of you!

Just a few bath time pictures. Carly absolutely loves taking a bath in the sink. And what a time saver, I can wash her and the dishes at the same time!

Just searching for something to wear!

Carly's favorite pasttime is climbing the stairs. We can't let her out of our sight because she heads right for the stairs.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Tournament Champions

Sydney's soccer team The Shooting Stars went undefeated this year so we had 2 weekends of playoffs. Saturday was the finals and we played 3 games. We won the first two so we made it to the 3rd game for the championship. Every girl played unbelievably well. For the final game every parent was standing on both sides. It was such a good game. We won 2-0. I did not get action shots but here are a few before and after the game.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Family pictures

It is that time of year - to get family pictures made for the holiday season. Most of the time we just get Sydney's picture made but with this being Carly's first Christmas we needed the family shot. As you can imagine, an almost 9 month old is not interested in smiling at a stranger so the pictures of Carly show her more serious side. Enjoy the preview, some will be headed your way.

The Roberts' family

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I hear what you're sayin'

We have some old pictures of Papa Baber and the more we look at them the more we are thinking Carly has his ears. We hope she has the smarts between his ears too:)
Take a look and let us know if you agree.

Isn't he a handsome young fellow.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


For Halloween Carly was Minnie Mouse and Sydney was Elizabeth Swann the girl pirate from Pirates of the Carribean. We went through the neighborhood with 2 other moms and their girls. We raked up on candy. For Sydney, I think she enjoys the thrill of getting it more than eating it. It typically sits in the pantry for me and Tony to eat. Rah, like neither one of us really needs it.

Halloween is huge at my work so even I dressed up. I was Cinderella. I even had the ugly stepsisters. I am talking U-G-L-Y. Take care as you scroll down to the last picture - it could give you nightmares for a while.