Friday, May 22, 2009

The Girl's Concert

Here are a few videos of the girls playing the piano. Sydney and 2 of her friends are singing an Avril Lavigne song 'Complicated' in the school talent show. She downloaded the music and is learning to play it. Of course, Carly tries to copy everything she does so she is playing her version.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Here is Carly's new haircut. It had gotten long and was hanging in her eyes so I trimmed it a little. Rosie thought it was still a little long and irritating her eyes so she took her and had it cut when Tony and I were in Vegas. It is a little shorter than we expected but I've gotten kinda use to it.

For Mother's Day we went to a restaurant called Breakfast in the Park. It is a very popular place because it is pet friendly. They even have doggy treats on the menu. Afterwards we went to a street fair in Sunset Beach. It was a very enjoyable day with the family!