Sunday, December 7, 2008

November Pictures

Well, it has been a few weeks since I have posted any pictures. November was a busy month with soccer - regular season games and in the tournament, and then the holidays. Here are a few pictures from November. The first few are when we went over to Fashion Island in Newport Beach to see Santa. The rest are from Sydney's soccer games.

My oh my - Sydney is growing so much!

This is Carly in the Apple Store. Just trying out an ipod before heading over to see Santa with her list....

And here is Sydney trying on a hat and scarf trying to look way too mature.....

Here is the 'Galaxy Girls' soccer team (minus one) in a vehicle of their sponsors.

The Galaxy Girls came in second in the championship game. They did a great job considering they ended the season with 2 girls with broken arms (not from soccer). They played the championship game with no subs so when one girl got hit in the face they had to play down a player. The girls did great and will be playing together again in the spring.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Meet Miss Daisy

There is a new addition to our family Daisy. Rosy got the girls an early Christmas present this 3 lb little pup. It is a long haired Chi. She is golden with a little black mixed in. She is really cute. She gets lots of attention on her visits to Walmart, PetSmart, and other outings. She is so small Sydney just carries her. Enjoy the pictures...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Here are a few pictures from Halloween followed by a few pics from the soccer pizza party today after the game.

Sydney was the good witch Incantasia and Carly was Sleeping Beauty. A group of friends circled the neighborhood collecting candy. Carly caught on quickly and after a few houses would push her way to the front.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This is such a cute stage that Carly is going through. She copies everything that Sydney does. If Sydney sneezes then she does too.

Here she is giving her baby a little juice...

A little for you...

a lot for me......

Check out those chompers!

It is naptime for Pooh.

Pooh wants his picture taken too....

What a twosome!

Carly is so content with her big sis!

Who me?

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Here are some pictures from a recent trip to Disneyland.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Model in the Making

Carly loves wearing my shoes. She actually does pretty good walking in them. Maybe a model in the making?!?!?

Wearing heels and helping Sydney with her homework!

Sydney's soccer team this year is called Galaxy Girls. They are doing a great job so far and playing very well together. It is fun to watch the interaction of 10 year old girls. They are getting to be such little adults.

Carly is practicing her soccer. Put me in coach!!

Waiting on the sideline....

The little tarheel.....